
So, you’ve encountered God through Awakening. Now what? God may be calling you to staff Vol Awakening to guide others to a powerful and personal experience with Christ.

If you’re not sure where you feel called to help, there is room at the bottom to voice those concerns to the leadership team. We can help guide you to the position that is best for you, the retreat, and most importantly, what God is calling you to do. Our staff works as a team-leading up to and throughout the weekend, and a variety of skills and talents are needed to provide a great experience for our retreaters.

**Anyone can staff Awakening as long as they have attended any Awakening as a retreater AND are a current undergraduate student at a college or university.


How soon do I need to fill out a staff application?

If you are applying for a leadership position, please apply no later than Friday, August 25, 2023.

If you are applying for regular staff positions such as Table Staff (mom, dad, gopher), Music Staff, and Cook Staff, please apply no later than Wednesday, November 1st, 2023 

What is the leadership team?

The leadership team is made up of individuals who have staffed at least one Awakening. They are selected by the coordinator and rector to help plan/lead the retreat through weekly meetings and preparation work. These positions are listed in the sign-up form.

*If you feel called to apply for a leadership position please list the specific position(s) you would like to be considered for and provide a brief description as to why you want the certain position! Note that you should still fill out your first, second, and third choice for regular staff positions in the event that all leadership positions have been filled.

What is regular staff?

These are all other positions that are not on the leadership team. Some require a bit of preparation as it gets closer to the weekend, and some just require you to be present and ready to serve during the weekend!

Every position is highly valued and is an important part to making Vol Awakening the awesome weekend that it is!

Are there any other specific qualifications to staff?

The only other staff with specific qualifications is Table Staff (mom, dad, gopher). To be on this staff, you must:

1. Have attend an Awakening Retreat

2. Be a student
(It’s that easy!!)

What are staff fees?

All staff fees are $40. This covers all meals for the weekend, lodging/retreat center, and an awesome T-shirt! This can be paid by cash or check to the St. John XXIII office, the coordinator or rector, or your respective leadership head. You can also pay with Venmo @VolCatholic (Fr. Donald Andrie). It is important that you pay before or during the weekend of the retreat. Please let us know if you have any questions!

Staffer Sign-Up: